Hello Officer Good to See You Again We Had a Doozy


"…Information technology doesn't matter what happened, what matters is what looks like what happened, and what looks like what happened… is pretty nasty."


Tucker & Dale vs. Evil is a 2010 horror-one-act film directed past Eli Craig.

Quick, just how many times have you heard setups like this before? A bunch of college kids are going into a woods in W Virginia to party and by and large have a good fourth dimension. On Memorial Day weekend, of grade. On their way to the place, they encounter some creepy-looking hillbillies at the gas station. Soon things escalate and they discover themselves locked in bloody combat involving the rural confronting the urban.

Sounds pretty standard, right? However, in this case, the kids are not the oppressed protagonists… it'south the hillbillies.

Run across Tucker (Alan Tudyk) and Dale (Tyler Labine). They are ii best buds who accept taken a footling vacation to prepare a cabin in the woods which Tucker has bought. On their way there, they ran into the aforementioned college kids at the gas station. They inadvertently requite the wrong outset impression and the kids are convinced that they are typical creepy backwood hicks like the ones in movies. Later on on, our 2 heroes come across the kids once again when they are fishing. They accidentally scare the female person pb of this pic, Allison (Katrina Bowden), when she's almost to go for a swim and she almost drowns. They save her and take her home with them to recover, but over again they give the wrong impression about themselves and the higher kids think they accept actually kidnapped her. Several accidents and more misunderstandings later, the planned vacation goes south big fourth dimension for our duo as they have to give it their all against… EVIL.

While deconstructing the killer hillbillies sub-genre, this 2010 horror comedy film also works every bit an Aesop for proper advice and the dangers of profiling.

Be careful effectually woodchippers, all of you:

  • Abuse Mistake: The higher kids and the law simply assume that Dale is doing terrible things to Allison. It doesn't help that some of the college kids overhear an out-of-context chat where Dale boasts of having "beat the crap out of" her and mentions wanting to go back to the motel to "end her off" (he was actually talking almost how he was beating her at a board game).
  • Accidental Misnaming: Dale does this to himself when natural language-tied effectually Allison.
  • Adventitious Suicide: Played for BIG laughs. The college kids, in their hysteria and fear that Tucker and Dale are killer hillbillies, try to "defend" themselves confronting them, just to end up killing themselves and each other in absurd ways. One guy fifty-fifty lunges into a working woodchipper. Tucker and Dale are so confused by the situation that they believe that the kids must exist in some sort of Suicide Pact.
    • The sheriff, who witnesses Tucker and Dale pulling the lower one-half of the educatee'southward body out of the woodchipper and is highly skeptical of their suicide pact theory, accidentally kills himself, too, with a loose axle.
    • Chuck tries to shoot at the hillbillies, only the condom on his gun is on. Dale unfortunately tells him how to fix it. Chuck aimlessly struggles with it while looking down the barrel and ends upwards shooting himself in the face.
  • Communication Backfire: At the gas station, Tucker'southward advice for Dale when he wants to arroyo the higher girls and start up a conversation is "smile and laugh". Unfortunately, Dale took a scythe along with the advice.
  • Aggressive Categorism: With his paranoia and prejudice against "hillbillies", Chad makes an example of the scary and not at all amusing kind.
  • An Aesop: Poor Communication Kills. Literally, in this case.
  • Ax-Crazy: Republic of chad gradually descends into this, ultimately becoming a nutjob who believes that murder is the only solution to the situation they are in.
  • An Axe to Grind: Chad's Weapon of Choice at first.
  • Bait-and-Switch: In terms of perspective — the flick starts off following Allison's group of friends, merely switches to Tucker and Dale afterward the ii groups encounter at the country shop.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Allison, who doesn't even button her wing all the manner up to expose more than midriff.
  • Batter Up!: Subverted. Dale finds a baseball game bat and suggests using information technology as a weapon, but discovers it'due south hollow and made of plastic.
  • Between My Legs: The shot of Tucker and Dale property the woodchippered guy by the legs and the sheriff in the background.
  • Large Damn Heroes: Attempted several times throughout the course of the movie. However, except for Dale rescuing Allison, this only succeeds in escalating a non-real situation into a deadly 1.
  • Big Friendly Dog: Jangers.
  • Black-and-White Insanity: Republic of chad keeps insisting on a black and white narrative with himself as the good guy and the hillbillies as the villains.
  • Blackness Dude Dies Beginning: Defied by Jason, who deliberately avoids danger of any kind until Allison's tea pinnacle, past which betoken virtually of the white students are dead. He also makes a conscious decision to proceed the white girl in heels nearby, upping his chances of survival.
  • Blood Knight: Chad.
  • Claret-Splattered Innocents:
    • Primarily Tucker and Dale every bit they are wondering what'south going on as college kids proceed killing themselves effectually them and drenching them in blood.
    • Chloe receives a faceful of blood after Mike dives into the woodchipper. After cleaning up, she afterward receives another faceful when Naomi gets striking with the weed whacker.
  • Both Sides Take a Indicate: Subverted. Allison is really trying for this i in her attempts to mediate. It doesn't work.
  • Book Dumb: Subverted by Dale. He never finished school and thinks of himself as a total idiot as a upshot, but he's actually extremely intelligent and might fifty-fifty take a Photographic Memory.
  • Abysmal Magazines: Something like xxx shots are fired during a stand up-off scene...from a 6-shot revolver.
  • Bring Assistance Back: Chuck sets out to do this and information technology provides a brief Hope Spot when he returns with the Sheriff but it apace takes a turn for the worse.
  • Barrel-Monkey: Tucker, who accumulates all of the nonfatal injuries throughout the film. Dale comes through without a scratch.
  • Cassandra Truth: Tucker immediately realizes that no i is going to believe what actually happened at the cabin.
  • Cellphones Are Useless: Subverted. Chloe tries to dial for help but before nosotros can see if in that location's no reception, Republic of chad breaks information technology since (a) he thinks cellphones are ever useless in horror movies and they are in one and (b) he doesn't want to lose the risk to be The Hero who defeats the evil hillbillies.
  • Chainsaw Good:
    • Tucker accidentally cuts through a hornet'south nest with a chainsaw and charges toward Mitch while swinging the chainsaw wildly at the swarming hornets triggering Mitch and the higher students to flee in panic.
    • Dale has a chainsaw-versus-pipe fight with Chad.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • Chamomile tea. Good thing the lumber mill happened to have some laying around.
    • The poorly-stock-still column in the cabin.
  • Chekhov'south Skill:
    • Dale's affair for being able to remember whatsoever bit of trivia.
    • Inverted past Chad's ax. Chad practices throwing it several times, but it's Dale who really throws and hits something important with it. He's shocked that it actually worked.
  • Child past Rape: Chad painfully learns that he was conceived when one of the hillbillies responsible for the Memorial Day Massacre raped his female parent.
  • Cobweb Jungle: Tucker's motel when he and Dale enter it. They proclaim proudly that it's just a little dusty.
  • Casual Circulate: Impress variant. The room in the sawmill where Dale and Allison take refuge but happens to contain a twenty-year-quondam newspaper with a front-folio photograph of one of the Memorial Mean solar day Massacre perpetrators under arrest, revealing that he looks exactly like Republic of chad.
  • Comically Missing the Signal:
    • Tucker and Dale find newspaper clippings reporting on the previous cabin owner's victims. All Tucker notices is the free chili-dog coupon.
    • When Dale brings breakfast to Allison, she screams in fear at the ragged-looking hillbilly approaching her. Dale'southward takeaway is that she doesn't similar pancakes for breakfast and immediately retreats to make her something else.
  • Conveyor Chugalug of Doom: Chad ties Allison to a log at the abandoned sawmill and when the climactic duel starts, he starts the machinery there, putting Allison in this position.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: As expected in a horror motion-picture show, nigh of the deaths on display are this. With the twist that they are accidentally cocky-inflicted.
  • Damned by Faint Praise: Tucker's endeavour at giving Dale a pep-talk at the beginning of the movie.

    Tucker: You are a good-lookin' man… more or less. You got a damn expert center. That's two things correct there.

  • Dryad in Distress: When Tucker and Dale pick up Allison from the lake, the other college kids think she'due south in this position. She is put into this role for real in the climax.
  • Deadline News: The Cold Open (actually The Stinger out of identify) features a local Idiot box news reporter and her cameraman being murdered by a disfigured slasher.
  • Deadly Dodging:
    • Tucker dodges Mike's tackle when he bends down to pick upwardly more wood and Mike ends upward sailing into the wood chipper. Downplayed in that Tucker is completely unaware of Mike'southward approach and information technology was only a case of unfortunate timing.
    • Tucker dodges Jason's weed whacker attack so it goes right into Naomi's confront. Downplayed in that Tucker was just trying to get out of the fashion and Naomi was an accidental victim.
  • Deadly Road Trip: A deconstruction of the trope for the teens, though it's deconstructed by beingness played direct from the POV of Tucker and Dale.
  • Death by Cameo: Managing director Eli Craig plays the unlucky cameraman who is killed in the Cold Open up. His wife plays the news reporter who is also killed.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: Chad dissects the "alpha male" hero of a horror movie. His "bravery" and desire to take on "the bad guys" is in reality horrible arrogance and paranoia, and causes a somewhat troubling situation to become catastrophically bad for both the hillbillies and his friends. His refusal to disobey his instincts somewhen make him into the evil horror film villain he claimed to oppose. Tucker and Dale are heroic simply because they are humble and polite enough to consider their actions, barring the occasional moment of thoughtlessness.
  • Deconstructive Parody: The film does this for Hillbilly Horrors by making the hillbillies the heroic protagonists. The college kids only call up that the Tucker and Dale are evil going on their appearances, and end upward killing themselves in Encarmine Hilarious ways through their ain stupidity, earlier one of them (the guy who would otherwise be the male person hero in a typical slasher film) goes Ax-Crazy out of prejudice against the hillbillies.
  • Deconstructed Trope: Much of the comedy of the flick results from showing the realistic outcome of standard horror tropes.
    • After multiple teens have accidentally killed themselves on Tucker and Dale's belongings, Dale voices the thought of simply explaining their situation to the authorities. Tucker accurately points out that the circumstances no longer affair, what matters at present is how the authorities are going to translate the accidents.
    • When Chad decides to fight Tucker and Dale, the other teens are unnerved by this behavior and simply participate in the attack because they're afraid they will exist attacked instead.
  • Decoy Protagonist: The college kids. One of them's even the Big Bad.
  • Disney Villain Death: Subverted. While the Big Bad appears to have fallen to his expiry from the barn, we see that he has survived and kills the news reporter and cameraman who appear on the scene after the incident is over.
  • Distracted past the Sexy: When Dale is digging a hole for the outhouse, Allison asks him what he is doing, after changing into an farthermost Bare Your Midriff ensemble. Captivated by her abdomen, Dale struggles for a while to understand what she'southward saying.
  • Dogged Prissy Guy:
    • Chad thinks he's this trope but is in fact a pretty nasty deconstruction. His come up-ons to his dream girl are creepy and extremely unwanted, and he has a bad case of Entitled to Have You.
    • Dale is a played-straight example. He'south a sweet, friendly guy who likes Allison a lot but doesn't believe he's good enough for her. He would likewise never dream of forcing himself on her.
  • Don't Get in the Woods: Deadly accidents and misunderstandings happen there.
  • Dull Surprise: When stabbed in the throat past a machete in a flashback of the Memorial Twenty-four hour period Massacre, one woman merely looks slightly worried.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Anybody except Republic of chad basically. Tucker and Dale themselves are not traditionally smart (come across Dumb Is Proficient beneath) but quickly accept how bad things are and how bad they'll await. The residue of the college kids all have at least one moment where they question Chad's interpretation of the events just aren't capable of avoiding the lethal consequences. Inverted with Allison, who's portrayed every bit the smartest one of the main bandage but makes some pretty poor decisions through the grade of the picture show. She hangs a Lampshade on information technology in the finale when Tucker and Dale'southward cabin explodes and burns down.

    Allison: I'm a terrible therapist.

  • Dumb Is Good: Tucker and Dale are both rather oblivious to the rather obvious signs of what's going on around them, Dale in particular. When they outset enter their new motel, Tucker sees what appears to be human ribs dangling from an improvised wind chime. His response? Some kind of archeologist must have lived there. And when Dale sees all the newspaper clippings from the Memorial Day Massacre, both their attention is drawn to the 'Buy 3 go 2 free' coupon for a local chili dog shop with no expiration date. It'southward virtually enviable how the two can move into what's clearly a bedraggled cabin in the woods formerly owned by a psychopath and nevertheless be charmed at finally having a vacation home that just needs some fixing-upwardly.
  • Dwindling Party: Happens to the group of scared college kids, like in any horror pic. Dissimilar most horror movies, the college kids are causing their own demise.
  • Earn Your Happy Catastrophe: Dale definitely deserves it.
  • The End... Or Is It?: The prologue, if remembered at the stop of the picture, implies that the Big Bad has survived his causeless death and go a full-scale Slasher Movie villain.
  • Entitled to Have Yous: Republic of chad hits on Allison in an extremely creepy and aggressive fashion when the others are going to swim, acting as if he is entitled to her considering they are both 'special'. This is the beginning hint of his true evil and unstable nature.
  • Epic Fail:
    • The second attempt to rescue Allison fails epically. First, Todd impales himself on his own spear while running at Dale. Then Mike tries to tackle Tucker, who bends out of the manner, causing Mike to accidentally hurl himself confront first into a wood chipper.
    • Jason and Chloe's endeavor at "rescuing" the residue of their friends goes spectacularly incorrect. Outset, Jason tries to attack Dale with a weed whacker, only to hit Naomi instead. And then, Chad tries to throw a lantern at the hillbillies, striking Jason instead. Then, when Chloe tries to salvage Jason by dousing him with the nearest liquid she could find, she just makes the fire even worse, culminating in Jason burning to death, she and Naomi both dying in an explosion, and Chad becoming horribly disfigured.
  • Establishing Character Moment:
    • We kickoff meet the college kids as they avert a collision with a truck that turns out to belong to Tucker and Dale. In response, Chad makes some snide comments about hillbillies being freaks, Allison attempts to defuse his judgmental attitude, and the others generally human action like over-privileged merely otherwise well-meaning kids.
    • Our showtime glimpses of Tucker and Dale make them seem rather sinister and threatening. Information technology'southward subverted when they turn out to be very likable and decent guys.
  • Evil Laugh: Played with; when first approaching Alison and her friends at the shop, Dale tries to cover for his flustered blathering with a nervous giggle. Unfortunately, information technology also sounds like the kind of high-pitched crazy-sounding giggle that any number of creepy hillbillies take uttered in whatever number of horror films, which doesn't put whatsoever of them at ease.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: In the Tucker and Dale ARE Evil recut on the DVD, Tucker and Dale's voices are noticeably lowered to brand them seem similar monstrous psychos.
  • Failed a Spot Check: In their excitement of seeing their "holiday home" for the first time, neither Tucker nor Dale picks up on the screamingly large clues that their holiday cabin was once the habitation of a deranged psychopathic Serial Killer.
  • Fanservice: Allison undressing for a swim and Chloe topless (distantly) during said swim.
  • Final Girl:
    • Allison, thanks to her friends. But a rare variation when the "killers" aren't trying to kill the girl.
    • The Memorial Day Massacre had one, likewise, who is later revealed to be Chad's mother, who escaped and led police force to the killer.
  • Fingore: When the college kids catch Tucker, Chad severs ii of his fingers with an ax.
  • Flipping the Bird: In the common cold open, the cameraman is nervous most examining the crime scene without permission and asks his partner if they should take "a press pass or a permit or something?" Her response is to flip him off saying "Printing pass this!"
  • Foreshadowing: When Tucker is chased into the forest by the college kids, the series of shots of him running away mimic the flashback at the beginning of the film to the Memorial Day Massacre, only with the roles switched, a hillbilly running from college kids. The fact that Chad is the one who captures Tucker foreshadows his truthful identity as the Large Bad of the picture, and his true nature as a crazed hillbilly psycho.
  • Constitute Footage: The prologue showing a local TV reporter and cameraman being murdered.
  • Freudian Alibi: Republic of chad's hatred for hillbillies comes from the fact that they attacked his parents twenty years ago.
  • Freudian Alibi Is No Excuse: When Allison gets Chad and Dale to really talk to each other, Dale acknowledges that what happened to Chad is terrible, but accurately points out that he had zero to practise with Chad'southward tragic past.

    Dale: First of all... I am really sorry that your family got massacred. That is atrocious. Secondly, I didn't have anything to exercise with that, okay. I hateful, I would accept been six years former at the time.

  • Funny Background Event: When the college kids are at the gas station, Tucker asks the Shopkeeper to read back his shopping list which tin can be heard in the background throughout the scene and includes some interesting dwelling house-repair choices.

    Shopkeeper: iii-quarter-inch nails, hacksaw, baling hooks, castor-immigration scythe, clamps... crosscutting handsaw, lubricated condoms , manus drill, feminine napkins , stone bit, one-eighth hole saw,...

  • Gag Echo: When Dale suggests that they go to the police after the first few deaths, Tucker snarks at how well that would go.

    Tucker: 'Oh, hidey-ho officer, nosotros've had a doozy of a solar day. There we were, minding our own business. Simply doing some chores around the house, when kids started killing themselves all over my property'? You would have to exist a moron to believe that, Dale!

    • And then, when the kids bring the sheriff to the cabin and catch Tucker and Dale red-handed dragging Mike's half-trunk behind them:

      Tucker: Hello Officer... Good to see y'all again... We have had a doozy of a twenty-four hours. At that place we were... uh, mindin' our own business... making improvements to my new house... when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, these kids started killing themselves all over my property.

      Sheriff: You must recollect that I'g some kind of moron to believe a story similar that.

  • Genre Deconstruction: The pic is 1 for Hillbilly Horrors, featuring the rural hicks as the heroes and the college kids every bit the villains. However, it'south besides a partial Reconstruction, since Chad, the actual villain of the flick is revealed to actually be an evil hillbilly who turns into a crazed killer by the end. He simply doesn't stereotypically wait like one. His origin story, in which his crazy hillbilly father raped his mother (resulting in his conception), is a direct example.
  • Genre Shift: Spending most of the film parodying the horror genre through a Perspective Flip and a noticeable lack of any bodily evil, only for the last deed to be a more traditional one-act-horror with a definite villain.
  • Gentle Giant: Dale. He doesn't fifty-fifty like fishing.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Downplayed with Chad. He was already at the bespeak of Ax-Crazy by the fourth dimension he discovered the truth about his real father, but it did drive him a scrap further off the deep finish.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: One of the college kids, when he attempts to attack Tucker and ends up in the woodchipper by blow. Tucker and Dale elevate his legs out in shock, but the local sheriff arrives at precisely this signal.
  • Hanlon'south Razor: In total, full strength for virtually of the film.
  • Hate Sink: Republic of chad attempts to corner Allison and convince her to date him while she's actively trying to escape, completely disregards the decease of his "friends," thinks that murdering Tucker and Dale is what he deserves and that it'southward "survival of the fittest" in the woods, abandons Naomi as she's begging for help, sexually assaults Allison while she's rendered immobile and tries to kill her for "betraying him" by sending her head-first into a rotating saw. There isn't a unmarried redeemable thing almost him.
  • Heel Realization: Mitch appears to go through one of these moments before he dies. First when Tucker runs past him, provoking a confused gaze; and so when ane of the wasps chasing him lands on his olfactory organ, at which betoken understanding visibly dawns on his face.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Tucker and Dale. They're the all-time of friends, taking a trip to renovate their new vacation home.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • Dale is a trivia genius and much more than bold than his timid personality would suggest.
    • Despite looking like the apotheosis of Slashers Prefer Blondes, Allison reveals that she grew upwards on a farm, and is no stranger to excavation a hole for an outhouse. Besides, she's pursuing a caste in psychology and genuinely wants to help people communicate better.
  • Hillbilly Horrors: Inverted and deconstructed, equally Tucker and Dale are the heroes. Merely then it turns out that the Memorial Day Massacre was perpetrated by some actual psycho hillbillies, and homicidal Chad is the son of i of them.
  • Hoist past His Own Petard: All the college students are accidentally killed by their own or each other's hand.
  • Horror Doesn't Settle for Simple Tuesday: It's Memorial Mean solar day! Just similar it was 20 years agone...
  • How We Got Here: The moving picture opens with institute footage of a news reporter and her cameraman being killed past an insane Two-Faced homo. The viewer will realize as the picture ends that the insane killer was Republic of chad.
  • Idiot Ball: The picture show's premise is that all the college students firmly take hold of the idiot brawl at some point which leads to their deaths.
  • Idiot Savant: Dale has little education, but has ingenuity and an extremely powerful memory.
  • I Only Shot Marvin in the Face up: 1 of the college kids is aiming for Tucker and Dale with a gun, but can't become it to fire. Dale, panicking, gives him a bit of useful, admitting mistimed advice to switch the safety off. The child frantically struggles with it while looking downward the barrel and ends upwardly shooting himself in the face.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Mitch manages to kill himself by running into a tree co-operative. Later, Todd trips and falls on his makeshift spear.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Dale manages to sever the rope tying Allison by throwing an ax at information technology. He is visibly surprised at the issue.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Tucker drinks and pours beer on his hornet stings and severed finger stumps.
  • If I Tin can't Take You…: When Allison appears to be developing some affection for Dale, nosotros see that Chad would rather impale her so take that she doesn't accept feelings for him.
  • Improvised Weapon: Jason with a weed whacker. It does not finish well for Naomi.
  • Irony: Republic of chad both passionately despises hillbillies and has a major affair for Allison. At one signal, withal, we learn that Allison grew up on a subcontract. This means that the girl Chad is virtually attracted to in his social circle is too the girl who is probably closest to the hillbillies he detests.
  • Jerkass: Republic of chad, to the most extreme caste.
  • Jumping Off the Glace Slope: Chad goes from frat boy on a camping trip to Ax-Crazy awfully quick.
  • Like Male parent, Like Son: Chad, the rape-kid of a psycho killer, becomes a psycho killer himself, and clearly feels sexually entitled to Allison.
  • Lock-and-Load Montage: Dale gets one at the sawmill when he is going to rescue Allison. Subverted in that almost of the items he loads upwards with to make him into a "Killer Hillbilly" never come up into play when he faces the Big Bad and he actually abandons several of them seconds afterward finding Allison considering she finds him likewise scary.
  • Lovable Coward: Several of the college kids have shades of this, just it's about pronounced with Jason, the token blackness male grapheme.
  • Machete Mayhem:
    • When Dale goes to rescue Tucker, he artillery himself with a machete.
    • Besides used by one of the hillbillies during the Memorial Day Massacre.
  • Human being on Fire: Republic of chad accidentally sets Jason on fire. Despite Dale and Tucker's attempts at communication, Chloe just makes it worse by dousing him with the first liquid she could grab, which happened to be highly flammable paint thinner.
  • Men Are the Expendable Gender: The beginning six people to die are men. Granted, as this is a deconstruction of typical horror movies, they're putting themselves in danger rather than being hunted down, so information technology's somewhat understandable that the women would be safety until the gender ratio started evening out.
  • Mistaken for Gay: When the Sheriff stops Tucker and Dale in their truck at the first of the moving picture, an unfortunate mishap leaves Dale topless and looking every bit if he was performing oral sex on Tucker.
  • Mistaken for Murderer: Tucker and Dale being mistaken for killer hillbillies is the unabridged premise of the film.
  • Moral Myopia: Despite having many options available, Republic of chad single-mindedly considers their situation to be "survival of the fittest" which at present justifies actively hunting down and murdering the hillbillies.
  • Murder by Cremation: Happens to one of the college kids, namely Republic of chad'south father, during the Memorial Mean solar day Massacre. Still, such a decease never occurred since it turns out Chad's father was one of the murderous hillbillies who raped his mother
  • My Car Hates Me: When trying to escape from the Big Bad who is pursuing them, Dale struggles to get the truck started. Downplayed in that the truck was shown to be a beat-up, old jalopy and Tucker is even cautioning Dale non to flood the engine in his panic. Subsequently a few false starts, Dale can get it running before the Big Bad catches up to them.
  • Nail 'Em: When Chad threatens to shoot Dale's domestic dog Jangers, Tucker easily him a nail gun for lark while he goes for the rescue. In typical movie way, it works just like a gun.
  • Name and Name: Mixed with Versus Title.
  • Near-Miss Groin Set on: Dale finds Tucker hung upside downwards as bait for him, surrounded by booby traps. He accidentally triggers one, causing a huge spear to come up flying downward and pin the ground correct between his legs. After standing in stupor for a moment, he tells Tucker "For the outset time, I'm glad I'm not hung like a bear."
  • Overnice Guy: Tucker and specially Dale are so well-significant and friendly you can't help simply feel bad for them as their vacation falls apart.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Starts when Dale dives into the water to pull out the unconscious Allison.

    Tucker: Hey, nosotros got your friend! (College kids run away panicking) Hey! We got your friend! Why the hell are they running abroad?

  • "Non So Unlike" Remark: Allison's willingness to think the better of Tucker and Dale stems partly from the fact that she grew up on a farm in circumstances non a million miles removed from them.
  • Not What It Looks Like: The unabridged premise of the film. Tucker and Dale are 2 Nice Guy hillbillies whose well-meaning actions unintentionally brand them look a bunch of psycho hillbillies to the students camping in the expanse, who proceed to treat them as such, just to end upward getting themselves killed by their own stupidity and hastiness.
  • Not with the Safe on, You lot Won't: Chuck, tries to shoot at the hillbillies, but the safety is on. Dale unfortunately tells him how to prepare it. Chuck frantically struggles with it while looking down the barrel and ends up shooting himself in the face.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Mitch when he realizes Tucker was just running from some wasps, right before he dies.
    • Tucker and Dale when they see the Sheriff get in right as they are dragging Mike's half-body behind them.
  • Just Sane Man:
    • Jason acts as this for the first half of the motion-picture show.
    • Mitch, the first of the students to accidentally off himself, was also the first to question the notion that Tucker and Dale were upwardly to no skilful. If he were to stick around longer, the picture would take been surely dissimilar.
  • The Peeping Tom: Dale calling Tucker this for ogling Allison taking her height off at the lake is what kicking-starts the plot.
  • Perspective Flip:
    • A Hillbilly Horrors moving picture from the hillbillies' point of view. The pic actually opens from the POV of the college kids who get camping in the forest, before information technology switches to Tucker and Dale's perspective during the gas station scene.
    • One of the all-time examples of this is when Tucker is chased into the woods by the vengeful teens, which mimics chase scenes from horror movies — first-person camera, weird, swingy camera movements, and occasional shots of the protagonist running. He even trips and tries to hide. This is also a Call-Back to the memorial day massacre, and doubles as foreshadowing.
    • The DVD also contains a 15-minute bonus feature called Tucker and Dale ARE Evil, which retells the story from the college kids' indicate of view while removing the hints that Chad is a psychopath.
    • When Chad and Allison first enter the full general shop, they see Tucker and the Shopkeeper at the counter dimly lit and looking like poster-children for Hillbilly Horrors. After they head to the back to get the beer, the photographic camera shifts to show Tucker and the Shopkeeper from a dissimilar angle and we get a clear view of the Shopkeeper's desk behind him... cracking and orderly with a computer and fax machine in plain sight.
  • Photographic Retentivity: Dale remembers everything he hears and reads.
  • Pipe Pain: The news reporter and cameraman in the Common cold Open are browbeaten to expiry with a pipe.
  • Police Are Useless: Averted, though it certainly seems similar information technology's played straight from the perspectives of the scared teens. Despite finding Tucker and Dale in some very incriminating circumstances, the local sheriff gives them a risk to explain their side of the story and, despite his articulate skepticism, follows them into their cabin and confirms for himself that Allison wasn't seriously injured. Afterwards, while he does wearing apparel the duo downwardly for not heeding his alert most the woods, his mention of involuntary manslaughter makes it clear that he at least believes the deaths of the teens were accidental. Information technology was just bad luck he accidentally impaled himself in the head by leaning on the faulty beam.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Chad when information technology comes to hillbillies and feeling entitled to women.
  • Poor Communication Kills: The Movie! Discussed by Allison, who explains that she's studying psychology considering she feels and so many of the world'southward problems are the outcome of this. She fifty-fifty tries to sit the main characters down to talk their manner through the disharmonize. To her credit, it does seem to piece of work - until her other two friends who were waiting exterior decide to intervene to salve them from the hillbillies.
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: Office of (just not the whole reason, given how likable the hillbillies are) why the deconstruction works.
  • Psycho Political party Member: Chad.
  • Rescue Romance: Develops betwixt Dale and Allison later on her near-drowning. Turns into a serious relationship when Dale after rescues Allison from Chad.
  • Room Full of Crazy: The cabin wall covered with newspaper cuttings on the Memorial 24-hour interval Massacre. Tucker and Dale are more preoccupied with the disbelieve coupon for chili dogs.
  • Scary Stinging Swarm: While sawing a tree, Tucker accidentally strikes a hornets' nest. Hilarity Ensues. And one fatality that was entirely the child'due south fault for not looking where he was going.
  • Shrinking Violet: Dale.
  • Shovel Strike: Dale accidentally knocks Allison out with a shovel when they are attacked by Todd.
  • "Shut Up" Kiss: Allison gives i to Dale at the end of the movie when he's about to confess his feelings for her only it turns into nervous rambling. She feels the same way about him.
  • Sinister Scythe: When Dale tries to talk to the higher girls at the gas station, he grabs the nearest thing to look coincidental. Too bad that it's a scythe, and his nervous laughter isn't helping matters.
  • Skinny Dipping: Invoked as the college kids claim they are going to do equally they go for a swim. Nonetheless, they verbally change their minds forth the way and eventually bathe in their underwear.
  • Slapstick Knows No Gender:
    • Allison is subjected to several caput injuries throughout the picture show. However, considering Beauty Is Never Tarnished, they are all non-lethal and non-disfiguring.
    • Chloe gets splattered with blood twice and its played for Black Comedy.
  • Slashed Throat: Shown in the flashback massacre sequence.
  • Sliding Calibration of One-act and Horror: One-act dominant. The film is a directly Deconstructive Parody that flips the Hillbilly Horrors genre on its head by making the hillbillies the heroes. Even the goriest deaths are Bloody Hilarious and not really played for horror.
  • Southern-Fried Genius: Dale, sort of. He didn't finish form school, but apparently has a very adept listen for trivia.
  • Outset of Darkness: The whole movie is a irksome build-up to one for Chad.
  • Stating the Elementary Solution: Chuck and the others fence for simply leaving the wood to get get the police force to sort things out. Unfortunately, Chad turns the situation into a "survival of the fittest" death-match that results in a lot of unnecessary deaths.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: When Allison tries to explicate to Chad and Naomi what happened, Naomi erroneously deduces that she is going through this. Fifty-fifty worse is that Naomi clearly has simply the nearly basic idea of what Stockholm Syndrome even is, much less how to diagnose it.
  • Suicide Pact: After seeing the college kids managing to off themselves through one stupid accident after another, Tucker and Dale become convinced that they have one and that they're trying to murder Allison to ensure she upholds the pact.
  • Tap on the Head: Allison is knocked out twice in a short span and spends several hours unconscious each time. She doesn't seem to suffer any lasting sick effects.
  • This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: Chad adds this few times.
  • Token Minority: There are precisely two blackness characters (Jason and his girlfriend) and one Native American one (the Sheriff.)
  • Tomato plant in the Mirror: Chad, when he discovers that he was born from rape and his real father is a hillbilly serial killer.
  • Besides Impaired to Live: The higher students. Special mention to the i that jumped into a woodchipper while trying to take out Tucker.
  • Trailers Always Spoil: Quite a few death scenes are spoiled by the trailer. Especially the get-go three, which are the most abrupt and unexpected.
  • Two-Faced: The left side of the Big Bad'south confront is desperately burnt when they are caught in an explosion. Besides Naomi, thanks to her meeting with a weed whacker.
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Dale is an overweight, dingy hillbilly, while Allison is a beautiful college student. By the terminate of the film, they are dating.
  • Ugly Hero, Proficient-Looking Villain: Tucker and Dale are a pair of dirty-looking hillbillies while the Big Bad is a fit fellow. That said, the titular duo take an undeniable charm to them, whereas the villain is a wholly contemptible scumbag. Subverted by the pic's finish, when the Large Bad'south face is severely burned and disfigured.
  • Unwilling Suspension: Tucker when he is caught by the college kids.
  • Verbal Backspace Attempted by Dale in an endeavour non to curse in front of Allie, naturally leading to a bad example of Digging Yourself Deeper.

    Dale: I'one thousand excavation a shitter hole. I'm earthworks a crap... crapper hole. It... it'southward a hole. It's for the shithouse. Craphouse! An outhouse pigsty.

  • Villainous Lineage: Invoked by Chad early on to say that all hillbillies are evil. Later, it turns out that Republic of chad, with his murderous rage and rapist overtures towards Allison, is the son of a murderous hillbilly and was conceived via rape.
  • Villainy-Free Villain: All of the higher kids except Chad. At the end of the solar day, they're really but scared because they retrieve (non without reason) a couple of hillbillies kidnapped their friend and are out to impale them. They do go about information technology pretty stupidly in the face of some signs that their wrong, though.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Chad is asthmatic. And allergic to chamomile.
  • Wham Shot:
    • The burned Chad that emerges from the fire. It's the aforementioned figure that appears at the beginning of the film.
    • The photography of the hillbilly that was arrested after the Memorial Day massacre has a strange resemblance to Chad. That's his begetter.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Chad thinks his prejudiced and inflammatory rants sound heroic, but his friends repeatedly call him out for them.
  • Forest Chipper of Doom: One of the college kids (Mike) attempts to stab Tucker with a pocket knife... only to bound into a wood chipper Tucker was using when he lunges at him. Tucker tries to aid him merely ends up only saving Mike's lower trunk.
  • Incorrect Genre Savvy: Republic of chad is the 1 who convinces the others that they are in a "us against them" state of affairs against crazy backwoods hillbillies. It's all just a misunderstanding. Chad besides thinks he is the hero of the story, while Tucker and Dale are actually the heroes. In fact, they might take well just called this film "Wrong Genre Savvy The Movie" as the unabridged plot revolves around this trope. Ironically, the movie does plow out to have a slasher villain like Chad expected — simply it's him, not the "evil hillbillies".
  • You Are Better Than You Recollect Yous Are: Tucker gives Dale this speech to convince him to not only save Allison but to pursue a human relationship with her every bit well. He even says the exact line to him.
  • You Are What You lot Hate: The Big Bad who hates hillbillies learns that he is the Child by Rape of a psycho hillbilly murderer. The reveal drives him completely off the deep end.
  • Yous Monster!: Chad believes this nigh Tucker and Dale, saying "I've never been so shut to pure evil" after capturing Tucker and "This is where evil lives" when entering the motel.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/TuckerAndDaleVsEvil

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