Should Babies Have Cake on Their 1st Birthday

1 year old birthday and cake

(46 Posts)

Orissiah Mon 18-May-09 09:15:18

Hello all,

My LO turns 1 in June and we are throwing a small party for her in our garden with family. So far in her short life she has not tasted sugar. I have nothing against sygar - just have not seen the need to give it to her yet. So bearing this in mind I was thinking of making her a muffin-type cake with minimal sugar. Does anyone have any recipes for muffins or cakes sweetened with fruit puree? Or should I simply relax about it all and make her a proper cake with sugar :-)


giantkatestacks Mon 18-May-09 09:17:26

I would make a proper cake and just not let her have any icing...I was like this with my first and was very proud of myself - the second one has sadly been mollified with lots of buns and the like from a very early age...I blame blwgrin

smee Mon 18-May-09 09:22:59

You deserve a cake - you've got through a whole year after all, so make one you want - am serious, honestly you deserve it. Just let her have a try of some. She'll probably be too excited by all the attention to eat much anyway.

geordieminx Mon 18-May-09 09:25:05

You say she as never had sugar.. no fruit? no yoghurts? No bread? Cos most of them have sugar in - albeit natural sugars in fruit.

wilbur Mon 18-May-09 09:28:08

Banana cake is good if you want to put less sugar in it - you can take out about 1/3 to a half of the sugar and add an extra bit of banana - cake will be quite squishy but who cares. Plus, what about doing one of those Italian fruit-style toppings instead of icing if you really want to avoid sugar? You know, they slice up strawberries, peaches etc, lay then in a pattern over the top and then glaze them (glaze has sugar in, but not as much as icing) so they stay in place and looking nice. You definitely need a good cake though, such a special occasion for both of you. smile

ruddynorah Mon 18-May-09 09:31:07

no sugar? so no breastmilk then?

wilbur Mon 18-May-09 09:32:07

Like this fruit-topped cake

It's the icing that gives the pure sugar hit, so if you take that off, you dramatically reduce the sugar levels of any cake. Plus you avoid the charming habit that toddlers have of licking the icing off and then handing you back a fistful of squished cake.

Greensneeze Mon 18-May-09 09:33:08

banana cake? with a bit of honey to celebrate her coming of age?

Kelix Mon 18-May-09 09:41:48

Youve done well to avaoid sugar for a year? what have you been feeding her hmm
I thought EVERYTHING had sugar in these days!

ICANDOTHAT Mon 18-May-09 09:55:20

You can't be sanctimonious on MN, you always get found out grin LET THEM EAT CAKE !!

smugmumofboys Mon 18-May-09 10:06:59

Please do a cake. Any cake.

I once went to the first birthday party of a child who had similarly never had sugar. It was all veg sticks and rice cakes.

There was no cake. No proud parent bearing a cake with a flaming candle atop. There were no dribbly attempts to blow out said candle.

It was a bit sad tbh. I felt somehow cheated. It just wasn't quite partyish and celebratory without a cake.

3littlefrogs Mon 18-May-09 10:11:28

Do a cake. Video the proceedings so you can sit and laugh and cry over it in future years. Everyone else will enjoy eating it, your one year old will squish it everywhere and have a wonderful time. Very little will actually go in her mouth.


ruddynorah Mon 18-May-09 10:18:27

you're going to look back on the photos of the banana cake with no icing and think 'what was i thinking'..

Surfermum Mon 18-May-09 10:19:48

I don't think dd had any cake at her first birthday party. The rest of us ate it. She was blissfully unaware that she was missing out on anything as she was too busy being passed around the rellies.

stealthsquiggle Mon 18-May-09 10:24:00

Make her a proper cake, FGS. Fruit purees, even if they have no added sugar, still have sugar in. Children need some sugar in some form. Cake (and sugar in numerous other forms) is required for parties, if only mainly for the adults. Your DD will be having too much fun with presents wrapping paper to eat much anyway.

HuffwardlyRudge Mon 18-May-09 10:28:35

Ds just turned one and it brought a tear to my eye to see him sitting in his high chair tucking in to a lovely slice of birthday cake. My boy! Feeding himself, getting icing in his hair, more interested in eating the candle than anything else. Old enough to know that - even if he didn;t understand quite what - something exciting and important was going on. Grinning while the three of us sang Happy Birthday...

Oh, make her a proper cake.

squeaver Mon 18-May-09 10:33:25

The first time my dd had cake (she had had sugar, mind you) was at a 1st birthday party. One poor little boy's mother absolutely forbade him from eating any, though.

You should have seen the look on his face as he sat in the corner with his packet of raisins.

3littlefrogs Mon 18-May-09 10:34:46

squeaver, that is so sad.

giantkatestacks Mon 18-May-09 10:34:54

Our dd put her face in her first birthday cake last week and snaffled it off the tray like a pig - you wouldnt want to miss out on that sort of entertainment would you Orissiah?

ILikeToMoveItMoveIt Mon 18-May-09 10:39:23

Relax about it and make a cake smile

It doesn't mean she'll have to have cake everyday for the rest of her life just because she had some on her 1st birthday.

Enjoy the day, take some photo's and remind her when she's older that her 1st birthday was the 1st time she tasted cake.

LittleMissNorty Mon 18-May-09 10:43:27

Let her have cake.

Children need a balanced diet, and that includes sugar.

norktasticninja Mon 18-May-09 10:49:29

I am was pretty precious about DD having sugar but, after nearly giving in to PFB neurosis and making a reduced sugar carrot cake, I made a proper chocolate cake for her first birthday. I filled it with whipped cream, topped it with chocolate icing, mini smarties and (of course) a candle.

I'm glad I did.

Relax. A bit of sugar, just the once, isn't going to have any long term effects at all.

muffle Mon 18-May-09 10:49:57

We nee LetThemEatCake on this thread!

But anyway, yes proper cake for a 1st birthday, especially with lots of adults there - everyone likes cake! For DS's I made a normal plain sponge cake with whipped cream and chopped up fresh pears in the middle (healthy!) and just a thin layer or normal white icing on top, plus some 100s and 1000s and writing. Everyone loved it - most of the babies had some too - it was fun.

Is this your first? I can promise you that at some of the birthday parties she will be going to, some of the things she will get given to eat will make a plain old victoria sponge look like the healthy option.

You need a proper old cake with writing and a candle for the 1st birthday photos IMO.

norktasticninja Mon 18-May-09 10:51:02

She's 18 months now BTW and I haven't caught her robbing the local bakery yet grin

seeker Mon 18-May-09 10:52:46

Another vote for proper cake, AND for icing and sprinkles. And lots of strawberries and edible glitter.

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Should Babies Have Cake on Their 1st Birthday


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